Nobody likes bugs and crashes

We bring a set of different testing strategies to guarantee stability, high performance, and efficiency of your app.

Screenshot of a web page with a lot of information
Screenshot of a web page with a lot of information


We check that the app is not only working correct but is also simple to use
3d illustration of desktop pc and mailbox


List of quality assurance approaches we are using in our company: Unit testing, Integration testing, Automated UI testing, Snapshot testing, Security Testing, Performance testing, A/B testing, «Field testing».

3d illustration of mobile phone

Diverse set of techniques

In Chili Labs, we have internal «zoo of devices», consisting of more than 30 different, most used gadgets for Android and iOS. Bunch of third party services and accounts with access to hundreds of rare, specific and physical devices.

3d calendar illustration

Regression test

Every second week, we send written regression test results that we share to the client with statuses of tested issues to be maximally transparent of what works as expected and where are the buggy places.

3d illustration of multiple windows

Reality check

«Field testing» approach — every application has a real-world problem that it solves, so we have to create the same conditions and environment to make sure use cases are covered.


Take a look at what we’ve crafted and what we do.

Let’s build products together!

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